
strange morning

So for the first time this summer I woke up before 6am and remained completely awake. What was more strange is that it is now 7:30 and monkey is still asleep. We're going to the library at 9, so she can keep sleeping!

I was awake thinking about all the possibilities that await in our future. Will I be able to be really preggo and take care of monkey all by myself for 2 months? Will I feel resentful? How will monkey react to his absence? Will he go active duty and can we afford it? Will I work...part time maybe? Will I have to move in with or stay with my parents? Can I take care of the dog in all this?

Total madness I know, but with the twin realities of being preggo again (yay!!) and havinf my husband enter the military in some capacity I just couldn't stop myself.

I'm OK now because I told myslef I was getting hysterical for nothing as usual. One step at a time. I can do this. I can do this. I am doing this.

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