
help me obi won kanobi, you're my only hope

So I have finalyy heard about the R2-D2 mailboxes. There is one in my town, and I must have a meeting with it. I can't beleive in all the pictures people posted that no one did the Leia/R2 video clip from Star Wars. What an awesome pose!! My awesome picture will be coming soon!!


new toy!

Frank got a new toy from PetSmart for his birthday, but this wasn't it. He ate that one within 5 minutes of getting it home. So today we walked over there to exchange it and got 2 amazing air kong squeaker balls. These balls are bigger than average, and Frank has not left it alone yet. He squeaks the crap out of it! It is so we a soggy now, that it needs to dry off outside before it comes in the house to be loved!


new me

Hoorah! A new me has emerged from the sickness cocoon. I cleaned myself up and went maternity shopping with my mom and aunts today. It was a very fun day plus I got lots of cute clothes! It was nice to hang out and talk to moms who were supportive and nice to me. I felt like I was joining the club. Very nice.

I also had to call animal control tonight! I ran into a stray German Shepard mix/pup. He had bloody paw marks all over the area he was resting in - which was right out side the back gate to my condo. Lucky for me has super friendly. So much so he tried to come in with me and my dog! Too bad after I called he took off somewhere. I hope someone finds him!